Child care

Open for Business: Strategies for Engaging the Business Community in Local Child Care Efforts

Open for Business: Strategies for Engaging the Business Community in Local Child Care Efforts

Research has consistently found that investments in early childhood development are crucial for economic prosperity. Both counties and businesses are prioritizing investments in child care as a way to recruit and retain employees and support local economic recovery. This new blog post from Counties for Kids shares strategies counties across the country are using to bring business leaders into existing prenatal-to-three coalitions and improve outcomes for infants and toddlers.

Dauphin County, Pa. Promotes Early Intervention Services for Infants and Toddlers to Support School Readiness

Dauphin County, Pa. Promotes Early Intervention Services for Infants and Toddlers to Support School Readiness

Imagine being told that your 2-year-old child is no longer welcome at his/her childcare program. It may be an abrupt announcement, or a conversation that has been building over time. Unfortunately, this scenario is a reality for parents and families across the country with children under age 3.