Celebrate the Week of the Young Child with Counties for Kids!
The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the world's largest early childhood education association. The purpose of the Week of the Young Child (WOYC) is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.
During this WOYC, we invite all county leaders to join the Counties for Kids network of champions and learn local approaches for advancing PN-3 policies, programs and systems. We encourage you to use the resources below to share how your county is celebrating young children during WOYC and year round!
Get Involved
Peer Learning Network Convenings: The Prenatal to Three Peer Learning Network convenes quarterly and allow county leaders to connect with a cohort of urban, suburban or rural county leaders on ways to advance local PN-3 policies, services and systems. Join us April 12, 14 and 15 for an interactive discussion among county leaders and explore what your county can do to build partnerships with local foundations. Learn more and register.
Rural cohort: Monday, Apr. 12 | 2-3 P.M. ET | Featuring: Essex County, N.Y. Register here.
Suburban cohort: Wednesday, Apr. 14 | 2-3 P.M. ET | Featuring: Guilford County, N.C. Register here.
Urban cohort: Thursday, Apr. 15 | 2-3 P.M. ET | Featuring: Allegheny County, Pa. Register here.
Social Media Toolkit: Join county leaders in celebrating the WOYC during April 10-16 using NACoRF’s social media toolkit to share why PN-3 matters and your county’s efforts in improving outcomes for infants and toddlers. Use hashtag #CountiesForKids and #WOYC21 to join the conversation.
Letter to the Editor Template: Use this resource to help elevate your county’s PN-3 efforts and share why it is important for counties to invest in young children. Published letters to the editor are highlighted in the Counties for Kids newsletter and on NACo’s social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Get the resource and learn more here.
To learn more about NAEYC and Week of the Young Child activities, visit www.naeyc.org/events/woyc.