The Counties for Kids launch took place from Jan. 25-29, 2021. County leaders are encouraged to continue to use the social media toolkit and letter to the editor template to share the importance of PN-3 and to join the Peer Learning Network.

Counties for Kids Launch

Counties for Kids is a public awareness campaign for county leaders who are committed to making investments in young children from prenatal to age three (PN-3). We encourage all county leaders to join the network of champions advancing PN-3 policies, programs and systems. Whether you are already advancing strong PN-3 policies and systems or just getting started, we have a resource for you!

Get Involved

  • Social Media Day: On January 27th, county leaders, national experts and parents are encouraged to share why prenatal-to-three matters and efforts in their county to improve outcomes for infants and toddlers. Use hashtag #CountiesForKids to join the conversation. See sample tweets and graphics here.

  • Letter to the Editor Template: Use this NEW resource to help you elevate your county’s PN-3 efforts and share why it is important for counties to invest in young children. See the resource.

  • Peer Learning Networks: PN-3 Peer Learning Networks for rural, suburban and urban counties quarterly allow county leaders to connect on advancing local PN-3 policies, services and systems. Join this interactive discussion among county leaders and national experts on January 25th, 26th, or 28th to explore what your county can do to build the local supply of child care for infants and toddlers. Learn more and register.

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