In their earliest years, children benefit from consistent, nurturing relationships with caregivers. However, infants and toddlers are twice as likely to enter foster care compared to older children. The Safe Babies Court Team approach focuses on minimizing trauma when court involvement is needed by improving how the courts, child welfare agencies and other relevant agencies work together to support infants, toddlers and their families. This webinar will review the core components of the SBCT model and highlight how counties across the country are using trauma-informed strategies to support well-being for infants and toddlers involved in the child welfare system.
Aidan Bohlander, LICSW, PhD, Manager, Outreach & Product Development, ZERO TO THREE
Dina Mezza, Community Coordinator, Early Childhood Court, Brevard County, Fla.
The Honorable Kelly J. McKibben, Judge, Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Courts of Florida